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Found 47831 results for any of the keywords assets fund. Time 0.007 seconds.
Rural Community Assets Fund (RCAF) - Volunteer FloridaThe Volunteer Florida Foundation’s (VFF) Rural Community Assets Fund (RCAF) strengthens the power and capacity of community organizations to further their missions by recruiting, equipping volunteers who serve Floridians
Donate to the Florida Disaster Fund - Volunteer FloridaThe Florida Disaster Fund is the State of Florida’s official private fund established to assist Florida’s communities as they respond to and recover during times of emergency or disaster. In partnership with the public s
News - Volunteer FloridaAt Volunteer Florida, we want to make sure you receive emails with news that is important to you and/or your organization. Please click the button below and let us know which types of emails you would like to receive.
BSP, Europe 2024 | Chambers ProfilesDiscover where BSP are ranked in the Europe legal rankings. Visit Chambers and Partners to learn more.
BSP, Global 2024 | Chambers ProfilesDiscover where BSP are ranked in the Global legal rankings. Visit Chambers and Partners to learn more.
Investment fund Better TradesInvesting in an investment fund means that you pool your money together with other investors. Instead of owning shares, options, real estate, etc in your own name, you own units in the investment fund and the investment
Ceva Wildlife Research Fund - Ceva Santé AnimaleThe Ceva Wildlife Research Fund is an endowment fund whose objective is to finance applied research projects targeting wild animals to better control the risk of zoonoses, one of Ceva s major commitments.
New Fund Offering Processing, Mutual Fund Processing Services IndiaRCMC Delhi 'SEBI Approved- Registrar in India' is providing complete solution for NFO(new fund offering) processing and mutual fund processing services in India. RCMC also offers Complete Bank Reconciliation services.
Jobs Boost Outcomes Fund KruthamJobs Boost is a R300 million (~$17 million) pay-for-performance model being piloted in South Africa. It is an outcomes fund that works with implementing partners to secure sustainable, quality jobs for unemployed, exclud
Self Managed Super Fund | AperioA Self-Managed Super Fund (SMSF) is where you take control of managing your own super. The sole purpose is to provide retirement benefits to fund members that are in line with the trust deed and laws and regulations that
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